Welcome to my queendom! I hope that you enjoy the royal IT "subjects", as they were hand-picked by your highness! :) It is the duty and promise of my court to deliver technology news and developments that are worthy of a good read. Web 2.0...SOA....you name it, we'll present it. (Now if we can only get ole' Steve-O to buyin on the i-DJ idea....)

iPhone & Web 3.0

Through Web 2.0 and AJAX, You Can Create Applications for the iPhone — And finally Steve gets around to the iPhone. Basically he says that through Web 2.0 and AJAX, you can create applications for the iPhone because the iPhone is running the full, uncut, unaltered version of the same Safari engine that is now running on Mac OS X Leopard, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. This is a huge thing and I can't wait to start exploring some of the possibilities of this. I wonder - you think the iPhone version of Safari will allow the Silverlight plug-in to install? :)


AmberPoint Introduces Next-Generation SOA Runtime Governance — AmberPoint announced the next release of its industry-leading runtime governance solutions for service oriented architecture (SOA) systems. The version 6 releases of AmberPoint SOA Management System and AmberPoint SOA Validation System deliver vital new capabilities for understanding and controlling heterogeneous applications. These new products are outgrowths of AmberPoint's close work with industry partners including BEA, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, TIBCO and others. With its new products, AmberPoint introduces capabilities that extend the breadth, depth and ease of real-time visibility into service networks, while also providing more comprehensive control.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

this is a test...

testing, testing, 1,2,3...